Angels vs. Demons: And the winner is...

Well, it's my blog, so demons it is! LOL. No, truly, I like angels, fallen or otherwise, I just have a rather soft spot for two demons in particular. ;) But since my demons and angels are actually just the peasants and nobility of a single race, it's all one and the same. As for the blog hop, the Grand Prize winners are Stephanie Huff (#1291 from I Smell Sheep), winner of the Kindle Touch, and Drake (#4695 from Dani Harper’s Blog), winner of the Amazon $60 Gift Card!

And the winner of my giveaway of a signed copy of The Fallen Queen and cover flat is Kassandra! Kassandra, you should be getting an email shortly to request your mailing address for your prize. Email me at jane at janekindred dot com  if you don’t receive it.

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated in the hop, and for all of the great comments!

And as a consolation prize for those of you who didn't win, here's a bonus pic of my favorite demon (pre-tattoos):