Try, try again, or "the road to excess"

It's an old adage, but one that is especially true of writing: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That second "try" is key—and there are many more "tries" to this truism when it comes to writing. Want to know how many tries it took me to get an agent? Read my interview at

It's a few months late because my response to the interview questionnaire got lost in cyberspace, so I recently had to try, try again. ;)

If you're still on the road to getting an agent, I hope hearing about how long I spent on it will be more encouraging than discouraging. Part of the reason it took me as long as it did is that I gave in to despair too many times along the way. But as one of the "infernal proverbs" in William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell says,

The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom...for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough.

At least now I know how much wallowing is more than enough. Not that it stops me from wallowing in the Slough of Despond every time my manuscript gets a rejection from a publisher, but I plan to keep on the road, slough or no slough, until I get there.

I guess all this is a roundabout way of saying that if you really want to be a writer, you have to be a glutton for punishment. ;)

"Represented by"

Two of a writer's favorite words...and I just got to put them in my bio! :D For those who haven't already heard the squealing on Twitter, I am thrilled to officially announce that I have signed with the fabulous Sara Megibow of Nelson Literary Agency.

Anazakia and the boys will soon be winging their way into the big bad world of Man. ;)

Things are coming...wait, look over there!

There are two things of goodness coming, neither of which I'm able to fully divulge yet. But I can partially divulge them, and partially divulge I shall. I hope to be able to post the full details in the next week or two, but in the meantime, I've uploaded a new batch of images to the slide show in the banner. La-la-la, aren't they pretty? (The images that were in the banner are now below.)

[gallery link="file" orderby="ID"]

The first one is from my recent trip to New York (okay, Hoboken, but I ran away for a day and went to The Cloisters); this shot of the chapel inside The Cloisters (taken with a phone and no flash) looks like a painting to me. I thought it was cool, so I thought I'd share it. Next are a few shots from my recent business trips to Hoboken and Chicago, and the rest are things I've seen recently on my hilly San Francisco walks (all cell phone pics, so don't judge me).

Oh, what's that? The things of goodness? What, you don't think my pictures are good enough? Oh, fine.

Thing One: I am very pleased to announce that The Devil's Garden has found a new home, and one I'm very excited about. It has a tentative release date of June 27, 2011.

And Thing Two: I've received an offer of representation from a fabulous literary agent for The House of Arkhangel'sk.
